Hotel Drozdy club

Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Minsk district, Zhdanovichi s/s, 38.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 53°57.276' N, 27°26.894' E

Today Sunday, 06.10.2024
 11:24 Minsk


Reservation Department

Surrounded by nature, the hotel «Drozdy-club» is just a few minutes away from Minsk. It offers - spacious European restaurant, conference room, pool, sauna, parking, free Wi-Fi in every room.
The hotel has 17 rooms (standard and superiorcategories). Rooms are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable stay.
Here you can relax and forget about everyday life and urban bustle.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

1-room single (main building)

Breakfast included in the price
  possible 1 additional seats

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, hairdryer, phone
06-October -  31-December-2024 5781
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room twin standard (main building)

Breakfast included in the price

  one person can stay

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, hairdryer, phone, safe
06-October -  31-December-2024 6406
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 6406 a day.
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room double standard (main building)

Breakfast included in the price

  one person can stay

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, hairdryer, phone, safe
06-October -  31-December-2024 6406
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 6406 a day.
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room advanced single (main building)

Breakfast included in the price
  possible 1 additional seats

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, hairdryer, phone, safe
06-October -  31-December-2024 6875
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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double 1-room superior / double (main building)

Breakfast included in the price

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, double bed, hairdryer, iron, phone, safe
06-October -  31-December-2024 7500
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 7500 a day.
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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double 1-room superior / twin (main building)

Breakfast included in the price

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, hairdryer, phone, safe
06-October -  31-December-2024 7500
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 7500 a day.
C  01-January-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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